Imagine a bunch of bricks. They don’t have a purpose until you put them together into a house, do they? In business intelligence, data is ...
The main problem with writing only formal reports in your company is that you won’t be able to quickly and efficiently communicate important urgent messages ...
Imagine looking at a bland spreadsheet filled with hundreds of columns containing nothing but some raw numbers… Be honest – how well would you understand ...
From generative AI to some big changes that Google is bringing to its search engine, content marketers have been dealing with a lot of things ...
A successful healthcare facility requires a lot more than hiring world-class healthcare providers. You need solid processes that maximize patient satisfaction while minimizing operational inefficiencies. ...
Going from a rockstar sales individual contributor to a great sales manager requires a mindset shift. It is no longer about smashing your own quotas. ...
After working hard to develop a sustainable client base, you found out you have to work twice as hard to keep them. Now you have ...
You’ve heard traffic is a vanity metric. That quality is more important than quantity. That (sometimes) less is more… These messages are logical. Since high-quality ...
Are there weak spots in your sales pipeline? What was your average deal value in the last quarter? Or the average sales cycle length? Monitoring ...
While increasing conversions, attracting customers, and generating profit are undoubtedly one of the company’s main focuses, creating a safe work environment for employees is just ...
Ecommerce analytics help you understand what’s going on with your online store and make better business decisions. Best of all, you can get them in ...
Cold calling, emailing, social selling, booking meetings, and closing deals. These are just some of the sales activities that take place in a single day. ...
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